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The MBSR program provided me with the tools to identify stressors in my daily life and effective strategies for managing those stressors.  Upon completion of the program, I am much calmer and less reactionary to events than when I started.  These are life long skills that can be applied to any setting and I am grateful to Brenda for the opportunity to participate in her program.

Sheila Farrell

As I am finishing the MBSR program, the world is in lock down due to the COVID-19 virus.  I'm thankful that I have meditation, body scans, and mindfulness to practice as I deal with the stress and uncertainty we live in.  It brings quietness and refreshes my mind/body.  I helps me appreciate that slowing down and being in the moment brings with it a richness of color, smells, feelings, and for me a calmness.

Jane Donahue

This is the second time I have taken the MBSR program with Brenda.  The second time it became more clear to me than ever what a powerful program it is.  Brenda is an amazing instructor.  She really enjoys what she's doing and radiates empathy.  I would highly recommend her and the program.


As a professional with a demanding and often stressful work life and a very busy family life, I found that I was not experiencing a deeper sense of joy and contentment.  I felt like I was in autopilot.  I was going through the motions of living, without truly experiencing life.  I was becoming more distant from my emotions and less connected with myself and the important people in my life ... and I was losing resilience.  Through the MBSR program, I gained insight into how I was reacting to the world around me, rather than really experiencing the world around me.  Brenda provided me with the tools and the instruction to live "mindfully."  Through meditation, I have learned how to reduce the stressors in my life by shifting my perspective and focusing on living in the moment.  Like any skill, it takes practice and commitment, but it has been a game changer for me.


I would highly recommend the MBSR program to all!  Brenda is a fantastic soft spoken and loving teacher, thorough in her teachings.  She clearly believes in the practice, lives it, and is genuinely happy to share her knowledge.  This course is a gift.  It will teach you how to create balance in the body, eliminating or lessening harm that life stress can create in the body. This course is well worth your time and money enrich your life.


When I initially signed up, I thought it would be 'impossible' to commit to a daily practice.  But Brenda introduced so many different practices that were so beneficial, it made it possible - and enjoyable - to do daily practice.  As a  result, I've felt more energised, grounded, present in my life.  It's been life changing in eight weeks and I feel confident to continue down this path.


Seeing how confident I became while learning to discipline and commit to "taking" the time to just "be with me" was a joy.  I soon realized how safe I felt in quiet mindfulness and remembered I have everything I need inside to take better care of myself in life, as long as I learn how to focus and access it.  My MBSR journey opened my eyes to renewed anwareness of trusting myself, trusting in the unfolding of life, patience, pausing before responding, and letting go.

Suzanne Cornu

This class has helped me immensely to focus on my own well-being and put myself first - even for only moments a day.  Brenda has an exceptional ability to make us as participants feel supported, peaceful and loved.  I recommend this program to anyone.


There are many steps to take on this path in life.  Participating in MBSR is only one of them.  It's so much more than a stress reduction program.  MBSR is an opportunity.  An opportunity to experience what 'just is.' Thank you Brenda for helping me breathe again for the first time in a long time.


Struggle as I might, I seemed to be pinned by life's little vagueries.  With MBSR I was able to separate these notions from myself and dispassionately set them aside.  I could see that I had a set of tools inately within me that I had not been using throughout my lfe.  MBSR gave me a sense of 'newness'.


MBSR has shown me how being present can improve your life.  An unexpected example is the way I eat.  I've always been someone who eats out of boredom, frustration, sadness or just because it's routine to eat at a certain time.  As I eat mindfully, I'm enjoying my food much more and am satisfied with less. I'm aware how the food feels in my body.


Brenda Forster is one of the best teachers I have encountered in any learning environment. Being an ex-teacher, I am always impressed by people who can combine their knowledge with caring for the individuals in their care.

Ken Andrusiak

It was a magical experience and I recommend it to anyone and everyone. Life Changing! Wonderful!


I can honestly say that Brenda was a gift to me. The universe generously provided Brenda and the MBSR program to me when the time was right. I was ready and committed despite the 6 hour return trip to see her weekly. She has a gentleness and obvious commitment to the program that exudes from her, which was perfect for my personality and learning needs. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Brenda Forster and the MBSR program to anyone wanting to more fully experience the magic in every moment for the rest of their lives.


Brenda did a brilliant job of presenting the MBSR program. Each week she managed to create a very special environment to come to. I believe the tools I learned will be life long gifts.


If you struggle with anxiety, the MBSR course will give you insight and tools to heal and move past your difficulties. I had been fighting and avoiding anxiety for most of my life and the MBSR course has shown me how to walk alongside anxiety instead of fearing what actually is a normal life force.


The MBSR program as presented by Brenda Forster was a wonderful introduction to incorporating tools for meditation into my life. Her deceptively 'simple' and enjoyable weekly sessions offered profound insight for continuing to integrate mind and body.

Susan Currie

Thank you for the amazing job you did in teaching the MBSR program. You have a wonderful open calm, and gentle teaching style that made me feel very comfortable with you, the group, and with the entire process, and your obvious non-judging demeanor has helped me on the path of being a little kinder to myself.


Brenda, you are very warm and giving in your program.  I always felt comfortable and able to "be myself" in your classes.  Thank you for giving me new tools to combat pain!

Chad MacDonald

Before taking the MBSR Program, I was having a lot of trouble with anxiety, stress and chronic pain. I have now learned how to reduce my stress levels by using mindfulness as a tool in every day life. My pain level has dropped and I am more aware of what my body is telling me. All around, I feel more balanced in daily life. I am so grateful for everything I have learned in the MBSR course.